Sunday, January 13, 2008

Artist Diary from Abroad (part 2)

My experience at Leeds University is proving to be challenging and motivating, particularly in regards to the writing of my dissertation. I’ve been extremely lucky to be allocated Griselda Pollock as my supervisor whilst here and she has been extremely encouraging in the direction that I take my research in not only my dissertation, but also my practical work.
Here is her research biography from the Leeds University website – Griselda Pollock's main research interests are in the issues of gender, race and class in the formations of modernism in late nineteenth century Europe and America;the history of women in the visual arts with a current project focusing on femininity, representation and modernity 1928-1968; the work of Vincent van Gogh; women's cinema 1940-9; the legend of Tarzan: myths of empire, identity and place, contemporary visual arts by women. Major research supervision is offered in cultural studies, art history, film studies and feminist studies in the visual arts. Her new research areas include issues of trauma, history and memory after the Holocaust and Jewish Art and Modernity.
My research is dealing with the representation of women with disabilities in the Visual Arts, and with Griselda’s prominent knowledge in feminist studies (I am currently reading three books written by her), her supervision has been priceless. How, you may ask? Well, when I first arrived here in Leeds, I admit I felt a little lost in direction, yet after my talk to her, she encouraged a lateral look at my research. This means the investigating of other minority/oppressed groups in society, and exploring how artists in these groups represent the embodiment of their experience/situation within a bodily/self context. For my own research, this has proved quite interesting, as the disabled body is considered all body and therefore viewed as asexual, uninteresting and repugnant. This is far from reality however.
I am still heavily reading on topics to do with my research – topics such as: embodiment, definition of self/body, expression of the body, performance work within art practice and body art. I am also currently looking at artists such as Hannah Wilke, Jo Spence, Alison Lapper and Mary Duffy. These are artists that deal with the female experience through the context of the body, and I am particularly interested in the last two as they are artists who deal with their disabled experience through their art practice. Hopefully in a few weeks I can write a more comprehensive profile of my research, as I am only now beginning to gather my ideas and make sense of the thoughts that are directing me towards performance and body art. So yes, when I return to Australia, prepare for a work of performance!

Elizabeth Wright

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